Advantages of concrete steel mold

2023-12-15 14:35

Concrete steel mold is a special tool for manufacturing concrete components, made of steel. They come in various shapes and sizes and can be customized according to design requirements for the production of different types of concrete products. The advantages of concrete steel mold are mainly reflected in the following aspects:



What is a smart site?

Smart construction site refers to the use of advanced information technology to integrate sensors, Internet, artificial intelligence and other technologies into construction projects to realize intelligent management and optimization of the whole life cycle of the project, so as to improve the efficiency, quality and safety of project construction.



What is assembly building?

A prefabricated building is a building that is assembled on site using prefabricated parts. It has the advantages of fast construction speed, labor saving and improving project quality. Therefore, it is strongly supported by national policies and has become an important direction for the development of China's construction industry. At present, 20 provinces (regions) across the country have issued implementation opinions or planning plans for prefabricated buildings. Prefabricated buildings mainly include: